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Child Custody / Parenting Time Lawyer
Divorce is almost never an easy process to undertake. This is true in most situations, but is perhaps even more accurate when children are involved. Determining how parenting time is allocated and which parent has primary custody over any children in question can be emotional and difficult. This is one reason why you should ensure that you have the best Chicago divorce lawyer possible. The right lawyer can help determine whether or not your rights are upheld as well as how to best go about the fight for custody.
With over 20 years worth of experience behind him, The Law Firm of Dan Florey is a skilled attorney who understands the ins and outs of the court system in Illinois. That makes him a great choice for clients, and he dedicates his time to fighting passionately to ensure that his clients are treated fairly throughout the divorce process. He can also help create an effective plan to ensure that your time with your children is not unfairly reduced. All you have to do is reach out for more information and ask how Daniel J. Florey, Attorney at Law, can help you in your divorce.
What is child custody?
Child custody, also known as parenting time, is the time that is allocated to each parent to spend with their children in their custody. Custodial parents are parents that have their children for more time than the other parent, and they are more easily able to maintain a relationship with their children as a result. Noncustodial parents, then, must fight to ensure that they receive as much time with their children as possible.
It is also worth briefly noting that child support is determined by the court and awarded to the custodial parent. The noncustodial parent is required to pay this support in order to support their children for the amount of time they are not in their custody. Court-allocated parenting time can impact the amount of money that is awarded to the custodial parent.
Visitation Issues
There are numerous child custody issues that could arise throughout the duration of a divorce. While many parents are able to mutually determine who should have primary custody of children, there are times when the court must make that decision instead. This could also affect the amount of visitation time the non-custodial parent is awarded. In addition, the custodial parent could insist that the non-custodial parent’s time with the child in question should be supervised and restricted due to a history of physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, or substance abuse. Should the court agree, the non-custodial parent could find that their time with their child is significantly limited in both scope and duration.
Other issues related to child custody include:
Safe Location Exchanges
Parental Alienation
Third-Party Visitation
Child Custody Modification
Parents unable to co-parent their children might be required to exchange their children at safe locations to avoid hostility or abuse. Additionally, it might be necessary to determine exactly who is and isn’t allowed around children during visitation. If someone in the family of either party poses a threat to the wellbeing of the children in question, then the court might order that they are kept away during visitation or parenting time.
Contact an experienced child custody & parenting time attorney for help!
If you are going through a divorce and need help obtaining child custody, you owe it to yourself to reach out to an experienced attorney. They can help ensure that you receive the time with your children to which you are entitled, and can even help ensure that the custody order ensures the children’s’ safety should their non-custodial parent prove to be unfit.
Take the time to contact The Law Firm of Dan Florey today and ask how he can help represent you and uphold your rights. He even offers free consultations, so you can call without worrying about spending money just to have your case considered by a competent lawyer. Contact him today for more information!