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Child Support Lawyer
Child custody is a very emotional situation for any parent to undergo, and this is true for a variety of reasons. Limited parenting time can make it more difficult for parents to bond with their children and maintain healthy relationships, for example, and could prove emotionally distressing to parent and child alike. With that said, one of the biggest issues related to child custody is actually child support. Parents are required by law to financially support their children through their 18th birthday, and sometimes even longer if the child seeks out higher education. The non-custodial parent must pay the custodial parent, then, money to help support their children for the time they spend not in the non-custodial parent’s custody.
It is really no surprise that child support is a hotly contested issue in many divorces. The best way to ensure that the right amount of support is awarded is through the aid of a skilled attorney. With over 20 years of experience to draw from, The Law Firm of Dan Florey is a practiced attorney who understands how child support is determined and how to ensure that the amount awarded is fair. Reaching out for more information could help you avoid even more costly legal battles in the future.
What does child support cover?
Children have the right to be financially supported by both parents. They have a variety of needs, for example, and it is important to ensure that they have access to a safe place to live, proper medical care, and proper childcare. The idea is that children shouldn’t sacrifice their standard of living because their parents divorced.
In addition to the information given above, there are more specific expenses that child support can be used to cover. If support is awarded for these lifestyle expenses, it is often in addition to already-ordered support.
Some of these expenses include:
Private School Tuition
Enrichment Activities
Travel Teams
Summer Camp
Access to the Arts
College Living Expenses, Tuition, and Savings
The court will also take specific needs of the children in question into account. Children with special needs, for example, might necessitate additional payments to help cover associated expenses.
What happens if child support isn’t paid?
It is important to understand that child support is not a suggestion – it is a requirement. Once you receive a child support order, you are legally required to pay it. Failure to do so could result in severe consequences, including time behind bars and wage garnishment. With that said, sometimes there are legitimate reasons to fall behind. If you experience financial hardship and your financial situation changes dramatically from the time the support order was issued, you have the right to have said order reevaluated.
Note that you must be able to demonstrate that you are undergoing hardship and that is the only reason you are behind on child support payments. Withholding support because the custodial parent interferes with your parenting time is not acceptable. You could very well find yourself facing serious consequences if you opt for this route.
In order to ensure child support is properly issued and paid, retain the help of a capable attorney.
Contact an experienced child support attorney for help!
If you are undergoing a child support dispute isuue you owe it to yourself to reach out to an experienced attorney. They can help make sure that you receive the correct child support order for your needs as well as that of your child’s.
Take the time to contact The Law Firm of Dan Florey today and ask how he can help represent you and uphold your rights. He even offers free consultations, so you can call without worrying about spending money just to have your case considered by a competent lawyer. Contact him today for more information!